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- Tech-Neill-ogy #11 - 6 August 2023
Tech-Neill-ogy #11 - 6 August 2023
Your Weekly Guide to Leveraging Technology in College Counseling
Welcome to newsletter #11!
There has been a lot of AI news as of late: some good, some bad. I was particularly struck by this article about GPT-4 passing Harvard classes. It is an interesting time to be observing the impact of technology on our world. That said, we are back to school this week down here in Sāo Paulo, so things are heating up. Hopefully, you can pick up a trick or two, regardless of where you are in the academic cycle.
I'm always here to answer your questions, so don't hesitate to reach out to me. I also encourage you to share any interesting tools or resources you come across during your journey. Feel free to drop me an email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!
Enjoy this week’s newsletter!

We’re rolling out a bunch of small updates to improve the ChatGPT experience. Shipping over the next week:
1. Prompt examples: A blank page can be intimidating. At the beginning of a new chat, you’ll now see examples to help you get started.
2. Suggested replies: Go deeper with… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…— OpenAI (@OpenAI)
5:50 PM • Aug 3, 2023

Here is a great example of the ways that ChatGPT and other generative AI can assist college counselors in the more mundane parts of their work. Consider this prompt below, and try it out. If you’d like to see a little more, check out this blog post.
Write a draft of an email to parents of high school seniors to invite them to a college counseling event.
If you have any great prompts or questions about prompting, send me a note at [email protected]. And you can always see past prompts here!

As I said, I’m back to work this week. Regardless of where you are in your academic year, I hope you find something worthwhile in this newsletter. Please share this with any networks you have. The more followers, the better! For now, enjoy the month of August! More next week!
Happy counseling,