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- Tech-Neill-ogy #24 - 5 November 2023
Tech-Neill-ogy #24 - 5 November 2023
Your Weekly Guide to Leveraging Technology in College Counseling
Welcome to newsletter #24!
We did it! We survived “Suck-tober” (sorry Cassandra!)! It has been a good week at a conference in NYC, though I cannot appreciate the cold weather. Read more here (LinkedIn)!
There is a really interesting piece shared below in the Course Catalog section entitled, “AI: transformative for university teaching or ‘CV bullet point’?” The short piece outlines one perspective that use of AI appears to becoming just another professional skill that people will be expected to use. Another article further down speaks of the untenable situation of students “outrunning” faculty in AI use. This seems to be a critical point to return to question who is teaching the kids to use it. Does your institution have an answer? I would love to hear from you if yours does!
Thanks, as always, to those of you who share resources with me. I appreciate all of it! In any case, feel free to drop me an email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!
Enjoy this week’s newsletter!

Over the past couple weeks, I have been asked many times about safeguarding student data when using ChatGPT, for example, when drafting letters of recommendation. The video below shows how you can do that!
As always, if you’d like to explore some of the other hacks, tips, and prompts I’ve shared here and elsewhere, check out this link. If you have any great prompts or questions about prompting, send me a note at [email protected].

Of course, it was to be expected… while you have read here in the past about differing levels and causes of fear in regards to AI, it was bound to happen that news has started to appear in regards to misuse of AI. This article outlines such malpractice, as does this one from Brazil. In my mind, this even further emphasizes the need for further education of our students.
That said, I do not want to end on a sour note, so below is favorite of mine…
AI-generated Johnny Cash singing Taylor Swift is blowing my mind
— BuccoCapital Guy (@buccocapital)
10:33 PM • Oct 31, 2023
I hope you enjoyed this week’s newsletter. We are nearly at 300 readers! Help me get over the hump! Share with your colleagues!
Happy counseling,