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- Tech-Neill-ogy #31 - 14 January 2024
Tech-Neill-ogy #31 - 14 January 2024
Your Weekly Guide to Leveraging Technology in College Counseling
Welcome to Tech-Neill-ogy #31!
Happy New Year, once again! For those of you who have returned to the office, I hope that the transition from vacation has been smooth! There is a lot of interesting content in this week’s newsletter. However, I also want to bring your attention to the Third Thursday reference in the graphic below. This is a monthly opportunity to get together with other college counselors to discuss ideas, questions, topics, etc of interest to you. It is one of the best professional development things that I do! Drop me an email if you’d like to be added to the invite.
Thanks, as always, to those of you who share resources with me. I appreciate all of it! In any case, feel free to drop me an email at [email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you!

AI isn't going to replace your job.
It's going to replace the parts of your job you don't want to do.
Here are the top 10 AI productivity tools to save 100s of hours of boring work:
— Aadit Sheth (@aaditsh)
12:57 PM • Jun 13, 2023

Apologies. I had promised some of you to share a new, updated exploration of my counselor letter of recommendation process, given that much has changed since I last shared that. However, truthfully, I am still on holiday, and so I did not get around to it. That said, this is a super interesting prompt. While the general context here is to create LinkedIn posts, I’ve used this prompt simply to explore new approaches to concepts, challenges, etc. Take a look!
Create a LinkedIn post about the topic of [topic] following the VS4C framework. Be original, daring, provocative, and add 3 hashtags related to the topic at the end.
As always, if you’d like to explore some of the other hacks, tips, and prompts I’ve shared here and elsewhere, check out this link. If you have any great prompts or questions about prompting, send me a note at [email protected].

I am on holiday for another week. That said, I hope some of you will join me for Third Thursday. Also, I appreciate the handful of you who clicked on the “buy me a coffee” link! Thank you! I’m always up for others to join the charge! Let me know if you have any questions or topics that you would like me to address here in the newsletter.
Happy counseling,